About Us

Mana Group private security

Mana Group, Security and Training Consultants Inc. is a private family-owned security business that provides services for small- and large-scale events, residential security, and private venues. The certifications are security guard, event staff, CPR, Stop the Bleed, RBS, and Crowd Manager approved. Executive protection services can be available upon request.

PPO LIC# 120340

Image of big Tony

Big Tony Alvarez, President

Big Tony is a former private protection specialist, working and traveling throughout Southeast Asia, India, Bangladesh, and parts of Latin America as a security professional servicing principles and action sports-related business. He is the chief instructor for Mana Group Training Solutions, providing firearms and tactical medicine training to law enforcement, first responders, and civilians. He is also a Lead Instructor with Artifex Firearms Training, and a Staff Instructor for Thunder Ranch.

Robert Reyes

Robert Reyes, Director of Operations

Robert is a US Marine Retiree of twenty years, working in multiple fields, finishing up with First Law Enforcement Battalion. He has worked in the security field for twenty-five plus years as a Field Operations Manager, Event Staff Manager, and a Quality Control Auditor.

What is Mana?

Mana is a Polynesian word representing energy, power, strength, protection, and respect. It’s believed that one can gain or lose mana through one’s actions or decisions. It’s a spiritual energy that lives in people, places, and things, and we can gain our mana by doing good for our community and those in need.

We believe that in these times, we must stay prepared, be vigilant, train our minds and bodies, and protect our communities.

This is MANA!

Contact Us

General Inquiries
and administrative:



Big Tony Alvarez
President and Owner



Robert I. Reyes 
Director of Operations
